Chair: Leanne Thompson

Class of 2024
Steve Anderson
Jeanne Kumbalek
Presbytery Moderator Douglas Dent
Presbytery Vice Moderator Sue Goebel
Immediate Past Presbytery Moderator Leanne Thompson

Class of 2025
Jerry Olson

Class of 2026
Beverly Brock
Randy Knuth
Elizabeth Tot
Keven Withers

Nine: seven Ruling Elders and Teaching Elders elected by the presbytery, and three by virtue of office – the Moderator, Vice-Moderator and Immediate Past Moderator of the Presbytery.

The Vision for this Commission:
Our vision is to encourage and enhance our common life as the Body of Christ.

The Commission on Presbytery Life:

  1. Plans engaging, informative and celebratory Presbytery meetings, including the Commissioner Briefing and receiving the four church wide offerings.
  2. Provides ongoing oversight, review, and evaluation of Ministry Plan and Mission Design, proposing adjustments as appropriate
  3. Provides vision and strategy for the ongoing life of the presbytery
  4. Promotes, encourages, and enables congregational participation in, and support of, Presbyterian mission, social justice concerns, and peacemaking initiatives, including but not limited to the presbytery’s current mission connections:
    -Presbyterian Clearwater Forest
    -Lakeshore Center at Okoboji
    -Occidente Partnership Task Force
    -Ethiopia-South Sudan Ministry Network
  5. Develops presbytery-sponsored events – both regionally and presbytery-wide – to enrich the lives and enhance the ministries of our congregations
  6. Develops and administers a communication plan for the presbytery to include the application of appropriate technology to the work of the presbytery
  7. Encourages the formation of networks, task forces or other groups as necessary to implement the mission design.

Co-Chairs: Patty Brandts and Keith Lohse – Budget & Finance: (B)
Le Roy Ennenga and Brian Jones – Personnel: (P)

Class of 2024
Le Roy Ennenga (P)
Laura Messer (B)
Penny Temple-Johnson (P)

Class of 2025
Brian Jones (P)
Keith Lohse (B)
Sherry Myers (P)

Class of 2023
Patty Brandts (B)
Bea Hayen (P)
John Williamson (B)

Nine Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders

The Vision for the Commission:
Our vision is to ensure accountability to the councils of the church.

The Commission of Presbytery Operations:

  1. Between the meetings of the Presbytery, uses delegated authority to take actions on behalf of the Presbytery as necessary
  2. Provides oversight for the Presbytery’s budgeted and designated finances, according to the presbytery’s Fiscal Accountability Policies
  3. Provides oversight for the Presbytery’s property
  4. Acts as Trustees of the Presbytery in accordance with the presbytery’s Fiscal Accountability Policies
  5. Provides oversight of the Presbytery staff and implement the presbytery’s approved personnel policies
  6. Nominates members to serve on the Committee on Representation
  7. Is responsible for maintaining communications with the Synod of Lake and Prairies and the General Assembly
  8. Appoints and dissolves administrative commissions if need arises
  9. Receives proposed changes to Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Operating Procedures and recommend action to presbytery.

Co-Chairs: Michael Hartwell and Louella Voigt

Class of 2024
David Lick
Scott Prouty
Darin Seaman
Anne Veldhuisen
Louella Voigt

Class of 2025
Sonya Alexander
Andy Davis
Dan Honetschlager
Marge Johnson
Dennis Peterson

Class of 2026
Mark Ford
Cory Germain
Michael Hartwell
Anna Williamson

Fifteen, as close to an equal number of Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders as possible

The Vision for this Commission:
Our vision is to come alongside pastoral leaders, and those preparing for pastoral leadership roles, as they live out their call to ministry and mission.

The Commission on Leadership:

  1. Provides support, resources, and care for our Pastoral Leaders
  2. Works with congregations and Pastoral Leaders in all areas of their relationships, including pastoral transitions
  3. Acts on grant requests from individuals seeking support for conferences, workshops, other learning opportunities
  4. Works with inquirers and candidates on behalf of the Presbytery as they move through the process of preparation for ministry as outlined in the Advisory Handbook on Preparation for Ministry from the General Assembly
  5. Provides for the training, examination, and nurture of Ruling Elders seeking to be commissioned to pastoral service assuring that the training meets Book of Order guidelines
  6. Works with congregations in exploring non-traditional staff models

Chair: Galen Smith

Class of 2024
Sally Erdahl, liaison to Cambria, Madelia, Mountain Lake, Saint James, Windom, Winnebago
Darlene Scherbing, liaison to Baxter, Crosslake, Doran, Foley, Osakis, Randall
Galen Smith, liaison to Brewster, Edgerton, Ellsworth, Lismore, Round Lake, Rushmore

Class of 2025
Rollin Haynes, liaison to Canby, Fulda, Iona, Marshall, Russell, Slayton
Kathy Knips, liaison to Beaver Creek, Holland, Luverne, Pipestone, Worthington
Michael Roys, liaison to Amboy, Blue Earth, Kasota, Lake Crystal, Mankato, Saint Peter

Class of 2026
Tony Oltmann
Barb Wawrzyniak

To be assigned for 2024:
liaison to Dawson, Litchfield, Milroy, Redwood Falls, Renville
liaison to Silver Lake, Spicer Hope, Rural Spicer Harrison, Willmar, Maynard
liaison to Ashby, Browns Valley, Doran, Fergus Falls, Maine Twp/Underwood, Maine, Saint Cloud

Membership: Nine

The Vision for this Committee:
Our vision is to foster the well-being of all congregations of the presbytery.

The Committee on Congregational Nurture:

  1. Develops relationships with and among the presbytery’s congregations with a strong commitment to their overall health and well-being
  2. Conducts regular visits to each congregation
  3. Communicates the particular needs or concerns of the congregations to the appropriate presbytery entity.

Class of 2025
John Henke
Norb Smith

Class of 2027
Candace Adams
Karen Anderson
Elaine Boyd

Class of 2028
Mike Butler
Deb Hess

Membership: Seven

The Permanent Judicial Commission:
Fulfills the constitutional responsibilities assigned to it in the Book of Order

Chair: OPEN

Class of 2024
Elaine Boyd
Kathy Knips

Class of 2025
Mark Ford
Nick Sonsteby
Lenae Wordes

Class of 2026

Membership: Six

The Committee on Representation:

  1. Fulfills the constitutional responsibilities assigned to it in the Book of Order
  2. Serves as the nominating committee of the Presbytery, striving to fulfill Presbytery’s mandate of diversity and inclusivity

Chair: OPEN

Members: Dick Andzenge, Thijin Gatwech, Thalia Taylor, Paul Tift

Minimum Five: Majority racial ethnic, majority Presbyterian, the chair must be Presbyterian, and either a Presbytery staff person must meet with the committee or the chair must be a Teaching Elder.

The Committee on Self-Development of People:

    1. Conducts its work according to the guidelines of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). There are no exceptions:
  1. Develops methods and provides opportunities for educating the presbytery concerning the purpose, availability, and qualification for Self-Development of People funds
  2. Increases awareness of the One Great Hour of Sharing as the financial source for these funds.
  3. Solicits projects to receive the funds and assist in the interpretation of the criteria required to request these funds.
  4. Distributes monies received from the presbytery to those projects that the committee deems worthy.